CABS Happy Hour: Open and Honest Chat with HR and Management

Date: March 26, 2021 @ 4:00 pm – @ 7:00 pm
Location: Online Zoom conference (register on Zoom below)

您是否有过关于薪酬,晋升,或者职业规划方面的困惑? CABS非常荣幸得邀请到对北美生命科学行业人才培养和事业指导方面拥有丰富经验的Kay Tong女士 和Jonathan Wong先生于3月26日(周五)下午四点(美西时间)/七点(美东时间)做一个百分百真诚的线上分享 (具体信息见海报)。Kay和Jonathan希望此次活动能尽可能多的和参会者交流,因此这次活动将限于50名参会者。活动免费,无需注册,欢迎大家参加。Zoom link:或扫描海报二维码。



Do you ever have questions about compensation/promotion/career strategies? Come to this CABS Happy Hour Zoom event on March 26 (Friday) 4PM Pacific (i.e., 7PM Eastern) to get an honest perspective of two insightful speakers, Kay Tong and Jonathan Wong. Kay and Jonathan have extensive experiences in career coaching and talent acquisition for entry and mid-level professionals in life sciences industry in the US. (See flyer for more information.)

This is a free event. No registration is required. As Kay and Jonathan prefer to have open discussion with attendees as much as possible, this zoom event will be limited to 50 attendees. Zoom link:

[Note: the meeting will be locked after the number of attendees reach 50. Therefore, please join the meeting on time.]

If you have any questions that you hope Kay or Jonathan to address, please send the questions to youyuy@gmail.comby March 19.

Free Online Registration – $0 (USD) - 1000 left
