Fosun Pharma Partnering and Career Forum
Date: April 14, 2018 @ 2:00 pm – @ 5:00 pm
Location: 120 Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge (LKSC), 291 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305
Registration is free and encouraged
Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co, Ltd and Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone will bring you this exciting networking opportunity with figured with opportunities for collaboration, investment and career development!
The event is organized by CABS
Title Sponsor:
Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co. Ltd. 上海复星医药集团
Founded at 1994, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co. Ltd is becoming a leading healthcare group in China. Its business covers the key sectors of healthcare value chain, including drug manufacture and R&D, medical service, medical device and diagnosis, pharmaceutical distribution and retail. Fosun Pharma has a national enterprise technology center, and has built a high-efficiency chemical innovation drug platform, biopharmaceutical platform, high-value added generic drug platform and cellular immunity platform. So far, Fosun Pharma has the leading advantages in the market segments of blood circulation system, central nervous system, metabolism & digestive system, anti-infection, cardiovascular, oncology etc. With the brand concept of “innovation for good health”, Fosun Pharma is committed to becoming the world’s leading healthcare enterprise. In 2017 alone, Fosun Pharma had the revenue of ¥18.5 billion, ¥1.5 billion for R&D fund, and its market cap exceeded ¥100 billion. Fosun has been pursuing an international cooperative strategy, and has diversified & flexible investment cooperation models. For examples, Fosun Pharma acquired 74% stake in Gland Pharma for over $1 billion in 2017, and set up a joint-venture with Kite Pharma to develop and commercialize autologous T-Cell therapies to treat cancer, Yescarta is expected to become the first cell therapy product.
Leads by Mr. Yifang Wu, President and CEO of Fosun Pharma, the Bay Area promotional career forum hopes to have in-depth exchanges to discuss global cooperation and strategic blueprint with scientists, entrepreneurs and investors in the field of life sciences. Experts, students, scholars, entrepreneurs and investors with the interests of human medicine & healthcare are all welcome to attend.
上海复星医药集团成立于1994年,是中国领先的医疗健康产业集团, 业务覆盖医药健康全产业链,主要包括药品制造与研发、医疗服务、医疗器械与医学诊断、医药分销与零售。复星医药集团拥有国家级企业技术中心,打造了高效的化学创新药平台、生物药平台、高价值仿制药平台及细胞免疫平台, 目前,在血液系统、中枢神经系统、代谢及消化系统、抗感染、心血管、抗肿瘤等治疗领域均有产品在各自细分市场占据领先优势。复星医药以“持续创新 乐享健康”为品牌理念, 致力于成为全球主流医疗健康市场的一流企业. 2017年复星医药集团营收185亿人民币,研发投入15亿元,企业市值过千亿元人民币。2017年复星医药以10 亿美元收购Gland Pharma 74%股权, 与Kite Pharma合资共建复星凯特,一直秉承着国际合作战略,致力与国际领先企业合作共赢。
- 2017年10月3日完成对印度注射剂药品制造商GLAND PHARMA 74%股权的并购交易,推进集团的药品制造业务的产业升级、加速国际化进程。
- 收购欧洲呼吸机领先品牌Breas 80%股权,助力复星医药覆盖全球的线上线下一体化医疗器械运营平台的搭建。
- 携手美国Kite Pharma共建合营公司复星凯特,致力于研发和引进国际最先进的免疫细胞治疗技术,成为细胞治疗领域的创新型、规范化标杆企业。复星凯特已于2017年4月10日正式注册成立,落户于上海张江自由贸易试验区,并于2017年12月完成产业化基地建设。
- 与美国Intuitive Surgical启动双方在中国的战略合作,共同注资1亿美元在上海成立合资企业,研发、生产并销售基于机器人辅助导管技术、针对肺癌早期诊断治疗的创新产品。
- 投资成立重庆复创医药研究有限公司,引进王为波博士为公司总裁,组织领导小分子创新药的研究开发。复创公司已分别在上海张江和美国旧金山注册成立两个分公司,以充分利用全球新药研发资源。
- 与美国科学家团队合资组建上海复宏汉霖生物技术股份有限公司,致力于应用前沿技术进行单克隆抗体生物类似药、生物改良药以及创新单抗的研发及产业化,截至2017年12月31日,复宏汉霖已完成9个产品,16个适应症的IND申报,3 个项目进入临床III期,其中利妥昔单抗类似物预计于2018年上市。
- 以合伙人模式引入创新团队组建复星弘创,落户复星医药在苏州设立的创新研发中心,致力于抗肿瘤领域小分子创新药物开发。
- 以合伙人模式引入美国仿制药和微创新团队,致力于高价值仿制药及505b2产品开发。
Yifang Wu
Executive Director of Fosun Pharma
President of Fosun Pharma
Chief Executive Officer of Fosun Pharma
Mr. Yifang Wu, joined Fosun in April 2004 and now serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Fosun Pharma. Mr. Wu used to serve as a Technician, Director, Production Officer, Finance Director, Assistant to Director of Xuzhou Biochemical Pharmaceutical Factory, now known as Wanbang Pharma, from June 1987 to April 1997, Deputy Director of Xuzhou (Wanbang) Biopharmaceuticals Manufactures Plant, now known as Wanbang Pharma, from April 1997 to December 1998, President of Xuzhou Wanbang Biochemical Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. , now known as Wanbang Pharma, Deputy General Manager of Wanbang Pharma from December 1998 to March 2007, President of Wanbang Pharma, from March 2007 to April 2011, and Chairman and CEO of Wanbang Pharma from April 2011 till now. Mr. Wu was Vice President and Chief Operation Director of Fosun Pharma from July 2014 to January 2016 and has been President and Chief Executive Officer of Fosun Pharma since June 2016, as well as Executive Director since August 2016.
吴以芳先生于 2004 年 4 月加入复星,现任复星医药执行董事、总裁及首席执行官。
加入复星前,吴先生于 1987 年 6 月至 1997 年 4 月期间历任徐州生物化学 制药厂技术员、主任、生产科长、财务主任、厂长助理等职,于 1997 年 4 月至 1998 年 12 月期间任徐州(万邦)生物化学制药厂副厂长,1998 年 12 月至 2007 年 3 月任徐州万邦生化制药有限公司、江苏万邦生化医药股份有限公司副总经理(徐州生物化学制药厂、徐州(万邦)生物化学制药厂、徐州万邦生化制药有 限公司均为江苏万邦生化医药股份有限公司前身),于 2007 年 3 月至 2011 年 4 月期间任江苏万邦总裁,2011 年 4 月至今任江苏万邦董事长兼首席执行官。
吴以芳先生于 2014 年 7 月至 2016 年 1 月任复星医药高级副总裁,于 2016 年 1 月至 2016 年 6 月任复星医药高级副总裁、首席运营官,并于 2016 年 6 月至今任复星医药总裁、首席执行官,于 2016 年 8 月至今任复星医药执行董事。
Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone 徐州经济技术开发区
Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone lies in important strategic position of the "four vertical and four horizontal" system of the national railway network and is an important channel connecting the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Economical Belt and the Yangtze River Economical Belt. Founded in July 1992 covering an area of 293.6 square kilometers, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone has has upgraded to a state-level Economic and Technological Development Zone in March 2010. So far there are 4125 enterprises including 13 Fortune 500 companies in the zone. Currently Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone’s comprehensive strength ranks 7th provincially of all 137 Development Zones in Jiangsu and has became a zone with largest scale, strongest strength, highest industry grade and of most investment value around Huaihai Economic Region.
徐州经济技术开发区位于全国铁路网“四纵四横”体系的重要战略位置,是连接京杭大运河经济带和长江经济带的重要通道。徐州经济技术开发区始建于1992年7月,面积293.6平方公里,已于2010年3月升级为国家级经济技术开发区。目前已有4125家企业入驻该区域, 其中包括13家世界500强企业。目前,徐州经济技术开发区综合实力位居江苏省137个开发区的第7位,已成为淮海经济区规模最大,实力最强,产业档次最高,投资价值最高的区域。Weidong Jiang, Ph.D.
The company CSO and cofounder, Dr. Weidong Jiang, graduated from Zhejiang University with a bachelor degree, and Chinese Academy of Sciences, with a master degree. He later continued his Ph.D study in the University of Giessen in Germany and obtained a doctorate in Microbiology and Molecular Biology. After that, he conducted his post-doctoral research at University of California. Dr. Jiang has served as a senior scientist and director in companies like ChemGenics (Millennium), Microcide, Applied Molecular Evolution (Eli Lilly) and Catalyst Biosciences, with more than 20 years of experience in biopharmaceuticals development and production, including antibody/protein engineering, production cell line development, process optimization, and regulatory filing.
姜伟东博士,复宏汉霖联合创始人、高级副总裁兼首席科学官。姜博士曾先后在ChemGenics (Millennium),Microcide ,Applied Mol. Evolution (Eli Lilly) 及Catalyst Biosciences等公司担任高级科学家和总监职务,至今已有20多年的生技药品研发、生产经验,涉及抗体工程、高效重组基因表达系统工程、生产细胞株筛选及工艺优化, 药政等各个方面。姜博士曾就读于浙江大学, 于中国科学院上海细胞所获得硕士学位,后于德国吉森大学获得微生物与分子生物学博士学位,并在美国加州大学进行博士后研究工作。
Career Forum Figured Participating Companies:
1) Biocytogen Inc. headquartered in Beijing is one of the global leaders in gene targeted animial model production, preclinical in vivo efficacy studies and pharmacological service.
Opening positions (United States):
- In vivo efficacy/Toxicity Director
- PK/PD Scientists
- PK/PD Research Associates
- BD Director or Manager
2)Applied StemCell Inc. (ASC) is a fast growing biotechnology company headquartered in Milpitas, California. Our goal is to advance gene-editing and stem cell innovation for biomedical research and the biotechnology industry. After years of research and development, ASC is proud to offer an optimized series of tools for basic research study, drug discovery, bio-processing, bio-production and preclinical applications.
We are currently focusing on three areas: (1) cell line generation for bio-production and bioassays (2) patient-relevant cell models for personalized medicine and (3) physiologically predictive animal models of human diseases. We are striving to improve and expand our technologies and product lines to meet the increasing requirements of the biomedical community.
Opening positions (United States):
- Scientist in Molecular Biology and Cell Genome Editing
- Scientist in R&D Department
- Scientist in Product Development Department
- Scientist, Therapeutic Development
- Research Associate (R&D Department)
- Research Associate
- Research Associate, Therapeutic development
- Research Associate, Genome Editing/ Engineering
3) Kelun Pharmaceutical

- The Clinical Strategy Lead (CSL)
- Director, Early Stage Clinical Development
- Director, Late Stage Clinical Development
- Director, Clinical Operation Head
- Clinical Trials Liaison Officer (CTLO)
- Biologics Production Executive Director
- Director, Biologics Process Development
- Director of Biologics QA
- Director of Formulation Development
- Director of Generics Formulation(Solid Oral Products or Injectables)
4) Gilead
Gilead Sciences, Inc. is a research-based biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development, and commercialization of innovative medicines.
There are 1200+ jobs opening including both R&D division and business positions. Details will follow soon.
5) Shanghai Henlius Biotech,Inc
Shanghai Henlius Biotech,Inc. is a joint venture company formed by Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. and Henlius Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. in December 2009. The company focuses on the development, production and commercialization of mAb biosimilar drugs, bio-betters and novel mAbs using cutting-edge technology. Registered in Shanghai Zhangjiang, we have so far invested over 400 million RMB in the early development of monoclonal antibody drugs.
The concept of our drug development lies in global integrative innovation, and we have 3 R&D laboratories located in China (Shanghai), the US (California) and Taiwan (Taipei). Henlius is headquartered in the Shanghai Caohejing High-Technology Park. The total area of our Shanghai R&D laboratory is about 4,300m2, incorporating established development platforms of monoclonal antibody drugs. The company has completed the construction of a GMP standard facility with a 12,000 liter capacity, which adopted advanced disposable bioreactors based on the existing manufacturing facilities, ensuring the position of Henlius as a leading domestic antibody therapeutic testing and production site based in China.
Opening Positions (Shanghai,China):
- Commercial VP
- International Marketing Director/Manager
- Process Development VP/Director
- Production Manager
- Manufacture Director
- Engineering Dirctor
- Drug Safety Director/Manager
- Clinical Research Director/Manager, Oncology&Immunology
- Clinical Project Management Director/Manager
- CMC Project Director/Manager
- R&D Project Management Director/Manager
- Quality Assurance (QA) Director/Manager
- Quality Control (QC) Director/Manager
- Technical Services Director/Manager
- Business Development VP/Director/Manager
- Senior Scientist, Process Development
- Senior Scientist, Molecular and Cell Biology
- Regulation Affairs(RA) Manager
Opening Positions (Fremont,CA,US):
- Business Development VP/Director/Manager
- IP Attorney
- Senior Scientist, Process Development
- Senior Scientist, Molecular and Cell Biology
- Regulation Affairs(RA) Manager
More companies will be updated close to the event.
Tentative Event Schedule:
2:00 pm-2:30pm registration
Main Section:
2:30 pm - 2:40 pm Opening remarks: CABS, Dr. Cheni Kwok
2:40 pm – 3: 10 pm Keynote speech: Yifang Wu, President & CEO, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co.,Ltd
3:10 pm - 3: 30 pm Dr. Weidong Jiang, CSO of Shanghai Henlius Biotech Inc
Career fair section:
3:30pm - 3:40 pm Biocytogen Inc.
3:40pm - 3:50 pm Applied StemCell Inc.
3:50pm – 4: 00 pm Gilead
Career fair and networking:
4:00 pm - 5: 30 pm
Schedule may be different on the day. Full job opening list and event detail will be released one week before event.