正大天晴药业集团湾区项目对接及人才招聘专场 (Chia Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical Group is looking for talents and projects)

Date: February 16, 2016 @ 6:00 pm – @ 9:30 pm
Location: 1633 Bayshore Hwy, Unit 280, Burlingame, CA, 94010

Chia Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical Group (CTTQ) is looking for talents to join.  Please see attachment at the bottom for job positions.  

Meanwhile, if you intend to develop and market your innovative new drugs in China, CTTQ would be your ideal partner of choice. CTTQ is interested in collaborating with overseas universities, research institutes, and pharma/biotech companies via licensing, R & D collaboration, co-invention, and strategic partnership.

If interested, please send your CV or project slide deck to tong.xu@cttq.com in order to get onsite interview opportunity.  Meanwhile, everyone is welcome to attend this event to obtain information.  Registration online (at the bottom) is highly recommended.  We need head count to prepare food.

Chia Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical Group (CTTQ) attendee list:

Chia Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical Group (CTTQ) attendee list:

Mr. Jie Zhang, Vice President

Ms. Hongmei Gu, Assistant President; Vice President, R & D Institute

Dr. Ling Yang, Vice President of Project Management, R & D Institute

Dr. Yinsheng Zhang, Senior Director of Medicinal Chemistry, R & D Institute

Dr. Wei Zhao, Technical Director, R & D Institute

Dr. Yong Zhang, Head of International Regulatory Affairs, R & D Institute

Dr. Tong Xu, Chief Representative – North America

活动日程 (agenda)

6:00-6:30PM   自助晚餐,社交时间 (dinner, networking)

6:30-6:45PM   CABSPPT介绍 (CABS introduction)

6:45-6:50PM   正大天晴参会人员介绍 (CTTQ delegates’ introduction)

6:50-7:20PM   正大天晴PPT整体介绍(徐彤)(CTTQ introduction)

7:20-7:35PM   正大天晴新项目合作介绍:寻求项目特征描述,成功案例等(杨玲)(collaboration introduction, case study)

7:35-7:50PM   正大天晴海外招聘介绍(张杰,顾红梅)(recruitment introduction)

7:50-8:20PM   问答 (Q&A)

8:20-9:30PM   分成三组活动 (three groups’ activities)

项目合作 (collaboration); 杨玲,徐彤; 615分钟的一对一会谈

海外招聘 (recruitment); 张杰,顾红梅,赵伟; 615分钟的一对一会谈

信息交流 (communication on all areas); 张寅生,张勇; 覆盖所有话题

公司介绍 (The attachment below is the company introduction in English)

正大天晴药业集团股份有限公司(以下简称“正大天晴”)是中国集科研,生产和销售为一体的大型综合型医药企业,2015年营业额人民币133亿元,在2014年度“中国医药工业百强榜”上排名第20位,目前集团员工总数7500人。母公司中国生物制药有限公司(Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd.)2004年在香港证券交易所上市(股票代码:1177.hk),目前市值超过500亿港元。

正大天晴药业集团研究院成立于1985年,在江苏南京和连云港市拥有两个研发中心,员工数超过730人,正大天晴在2015年“中国医药研发产品线最佳工业企业”排名第4位。 研究院目前积极招聘国际人才,以努力提高中国本土医药企业创新能力,及推动制剂成品走向国际主要市场。研究院同时积极寻求与海外机构的新药研发合作,争取共赢机遇。我们感兴趣的疾病领域广泛,包括癌症,肝病,心脑血管疾病,呼吸系统疾病,糖尿病,传染病,胃肠道疾病等。除新药(NME)外,其它感兴趣领域包括505(b)(2), 已上市专利药新生产工艺,新剂型项目等。


If there are any questions, please call 858-774-0534.

General Admission – $0 (USD)
